finally the mye's are over.
but i'm fervently filled with fear. "fff"
humdeedum. my throat keeps burning with this acid feeling.

ah, when the tomb of lost feelings are opened again
and some indiana jones determination has to fight the will to explore it once again
explore all its glory and treasures
it has to close.

i'm scared lol. 
so many what-ifs are boiling in my cauldron.

/ that moment when you realize you're making the same mistakes
and the costs you pay are astronomical.

^ the first photo does not mean anything anymore.
i just pick random photos from my album to fill this void.

been reading old posts from 2010 to 2011.
suddenly miss steven hill... and those late nights with you on msn.
do you still read this? a million doubts.
lolz wutz litingz

k bye x
Complete lyrics: