I told myself to smile
To ignore you and your gaze
It's day 100, and if I could say so, my heart is "cleansed of all possible foreign feelings". I'm very certain that applies for you too.
We are both happy, I've nurtured a basis of hate for you to me, which makes that plausible reconnection completing nada. I reiterate, that even if I do want you back, it will never be the same.
"As he begins to raise his voice
You lower yours and grant him one last choice
Drive until you lose the road
Or break with the ones you've followed
He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you begin to wonder why you came"
H2SAL- The Fray
School has been fun but hectic. Test after test each week, and it reminds us only of the impending doom awaiting at the tail of 2012, like a fiery beast you're up against, and you're doing possibly everything you can to defeat it before you confront it. Which doesn't make sense in that context, haha
2 weeks on, much of my days are spent with Tham Inc., which is a highly exclusive and prestigious co-operation. Nights are spent chasing little chubby boys wielding Vanguard cards, and their sisters. No, I'm just kidding. :-)
Yes dear, if you're reading this, it's the boy that humped Zahin from behind.
I've diverted the "boys attention" to more of kiasu-will-die attention. Of course, the abundance of qt3.14 has been appalling. That newfound attention I seeked and implemented has improved my life tremendously by heaps and bounds.
Of course, my flight to Bali departs on Friday and I've yet to done much packing, or any, at all. My homework however, is a swooping bird near an electric fence. Sometimes I do it, sometimes I don't. Pull a smile, act cute.
My greatest accomplishment is that I am zoning out in class less, except in Mdm Prema's, which I'm completely guilty of because she makes such an effort to keep her lessons lively and interesting. :(
Have been waking up at 4.30AM these days. My body is in overdrive. Sooner or later, O levels will come knocking, and I'll pull through. Sleep is for the weak!!b!!! hahaha.
Yes dear, I decided to completely eliminate you from my life now. What's the point if I look into those eyes, gaze at your face and remember all the misery? You drew the lines, I'm only following them.
It's particularly saddening we're apart, and going to never be together again. Again. You drew the lines, I'm following.
My heart has evicted you from the warmest corner, you have absolutely no more place in here from thus on. That eviction was painful as fuck, but no pain, no gain.
Today is day 100. I almost didn't pull through
Tell me
What other girl would die for you?
But it's too late now
Our backs are turned
Each step we take, we know the other listens.
The dirt road before us is littered with obstacles and hurdles. Leave only your past and tears behind, amongst the sweat...
There's no turning back, for us again.