
I want to work during the June holidays but with my odd sleeping patterns and a messed body clock, how am I to compromise within working hours? I want to find a job that gives me experience - in relation to my (present) ambition - to write in a magazine. Ha? Maybe I won't even qualify, well, all in the bad of nothing at all.
Alright, only wishful thinking, don't bitch.

But you get what I mean.

I just want money, and saving up meant owing more debts (since I leave all my money @ home) and thanks to all who have been good Samaritans, loaning me sufficient dollars for a hearty meal. Enough to get the stuff I've been craving for and for my bank account to be (finally) filled with my own money.
Sick now, screamed and cheered, lacked dehydration. Gained a good tan, at least my pale face is gotten rid of. Haven't swam much lately, I suppose I should tread water more often, at least I could gain an extra bounce for NAPFA's run. Looking at a 13-minute target, hope I do better, or at least meet it. Can't afford to slack off any further otherwise my plans made (way before 2011) would be wasted, and my results would be tarnished. Fuck relationships, I'm done.

I'm not going to start on the love chapter of my life until I get the pain erased and move on - hopefully quick enough. In the meantime, I need to focus on getting well, my throat is hurting like a bitch. Drinking plenty of water, pray I get better by tomorrow. I realized my bike is a trick bike, in other words a BMX. Awesome, eh? But I hardly use it anymore and right now (no matter how much I desire), I can't afford breaking bones either. The 'O' levels will be soon here, with every step I take, I gotta' risk time thinking twice. Can't be lazy anymore but I shouldn't be too uptight either.

I fear that I'm suffering from teen depression. Fuck. Well, that's ironic. I love to laugh. Don't I?
Then why is this happening? Why? ...
... I just want the world to be silent for a second. But that's just a selfish move...