
How far from home are we?

  Hello. My flu is getting worse and I hardly concentrated in class today. Talked with Haziq till I forgot the time. ... Urgh. Completely not in the mood to joke. But fuck, I'm not going to bury myself in emotions again - useless. I totally need some sun. My bike's wheels are completely dry of air. Don't got a bicycle pump anyway. 
Balloon pump have lah.

K. Lame. Whatever. I am hovering on the brink between a fever and dying of hypothermia (haha, joking). OK, ON WITH IT. I WANT TO EAT MY LUNCH.

love hate relationship with camera, probably because of its age.
craving for udon now, left one packet of instant chicken noodles. only food i can digest happily without vomiting it out. body denies good food. loves instant noodles.

ok flu getting to my head byebye