
once upon a time
a little girl met a boy
on a plain of white and blue
where they would go
what they would do
she had no clue
he just took her hand
and whisked her away
to a land of orange and yellows
of words and hearts and hugs and kisses
so mesmerized
the little girl fell in the grasps of love
her mind encapsulated
her eyes blinded
she was determined to make this work
but the devil was doing his shift
soon she found her lesser worth
she touches the past like hot steel
she tells herself
this love
it can't be real
she cries and kicks
and pushes him away
no matter how hard he begged her to stay
no words of reassurance
no tear
or kiss
could hold her down
a disbelief like this
she said okay
because she just wanted to go
but eventually
time told her no
he went away
far away
to a land where she couldn't step into again
she kicked and begged
for entry to his garden
that angel she loved
she cried
and missed
but all around
were thorns and bars
she was held back
by her own deliberate scars
he said never
his words like knives
words she'd remember
through her life
and so she does
try to forget it all
through an escape
warned by all
deliberate death
she murmurs in pain
all these memories
have taken her away
to a land of skeletons
and demons of love
she's forgotten
the garden of doves
his arms like petals
his eyes like suns
his lips like roses
his smell of daisies
she walks alone
turning around
now and then
to see if
the angel opened his gates again.