thin ice

Stressed, tired (yet again) and feeling really lazy. Hur hur hur.
You're only a bad memory, nothing else. I only missed telling you everything. But you have an attitude that repulses me, and I'm sorry. Would've trusted you more if you didn't have that attitude as if there was sandpaper up your ass. Trust me. Erase that little substance of yours.

Sigh, other than that. I really don't have anything to say. I can't focus on anything these days (except Math classes, lol). Chemistry is brainfuck, haha. If I pass tomorrow, it'll be a miracle all right.

I wish I never knew you. I wished that I never asked who we really were, I wish nothing ever began. All I can do know is close my eyes and erase bits by bits. No point stumbling over a memory.

Tell me I'm a wreck.